level_id = list of levels where current ambient structure will be played
ambient = main looped music or sound file from assets/sounds/ folder (Layer 1)
ambient_volume = volume of the main ambient, where 0 is 100% and -88 is 0%
ambient_bg_volume = volume of whole "background_ambients" list
random_sfx_delay = delay between [A sec, B sec] when sfx will be randomly played
random_sfx = list of one shot sounds from assets/sounds/ (Layer 2)
background_ambients = list of loop sounds from assets/sounds/ (Layer 3)
background_ambients_volumes = optional property, overwrite volumes of layer 3 sounds
So you need to find best volume friendship between these layers to fit all sounds.
Make sure, that "level_id" list contains level id only for one ambient structure, because if two or more structures contains same level id, game will choose first structure and ignore others!