Contains all dialogues data for NPC in characters.json from assets/creatures/
Diagram of dialogue object:
JSON structure looks like this:
"start_dialogue": "DIALOGUE ID", // phrase object that will be ran firs
"dialogues": { // array of phrase objects
"DIALOGUE ID": { // ID of phrase, used in "start_dialogue" and in "go_to"
"text": "TEXT IN NPC WINDOW", // NPC talking text
"answers": [ // array of player's answers objects, amount of objects equal phrases amount
"text": "PLAYER ANSWER", // answer text, please, use lang key
"go_to": "NEXT DIALOGUE ID, OR SPECIAL KEYS (close_dialog - close dialogue window, close_game - quit from game)",
"condition_has": "" // answer will be shown if player has this event key ()
"condition_has_items": ["af_bengal"], // array of item_id that must contains player to show this replic ()
"condition_money": 600, // if player has this amount of money, replic will be available ()
"actions": { //actions ()
"add_money": 0,
"del_money": 0,
"add_e_key": [""], // you can create any id, just remember it for usage
"del_e_key": [""], // delete keys
"add_quest": ["quest_id"], // add quests
"add_item": ["item_id"], // add items
"del_item": ["item_id"] // delete items
... // can be many as possible