
Options file is store all game options and game save them into this file.

"current_language": "en", // current game language from start (ID)
"music_and_sound": true, // on/off music and sounds
"first_launch": false, // show starting message before main menu
"aim_assist": true, // on/off aim helper
"casual_gameplay": true, // easy gameplay mode when off - it's normal gameplay
"languages": { // languages list, you can manually add here new languages
	"en": { // language code (ID)
		"name": "lang.en" // it's lang key with language name in-game. Lang key is store in assets/texts/*_lang.json
"mouse_sensitivity": 0.19, // sensitivity of mouse
"mouse_smooth": 17, // cut-off option, don't work
"vsync": true, // vsync
"ssao": false, // cut-off option, don't work
"glow": true, // glow in underground levels
"corpses": false, // delete or no corpses after death
"volumetric_fog": false, // show volumetric for in underground levels
"dithering": true, // dithering shader
"sky_shader": true, // rotate skybox shader
"pixelation": true, // pixelation shader
"volume_master": 0, // main game volume
"volume_fx": -8, // volume of game sfx like steps or shots
"volume_music": -8, // volume of music 
"volume_ambient": -8, // volume of ambient sound
"volume_ambient_sfx": -20, // volume of ambient random sfx
"camera_sway": true, // on/off camera sway on mouse rotation
"scale_3d_render": 1, // scale render in camera, resolution scaling
"show_fps": false, // show game fps
"tutorials": true, // show tutorials at start of the game
"autoreload": true, // auto-reload weapons when ammo is 0 and player press fire
"input_map": [ // controls map, do not delete, can only edit key_code
		"action_id": "use",
		"key_code": "F"
		"action_id": "pause",
		"key_code": [
		"action_id": "take_all",
		"key_code": "Space"
		"action_id": "wpn1",
		"key_code": "1"
		"action_id": "wpn2",
		"key_code": "2"
		"action_id": "inventory",
		"key_code": "I"
		"action_id": "pda",
		"key_code": [
		"action_id": "journal",
		"key_code": "J"
		"action_id": "stats",
		"key_code": "C"
		"action_id": "reload",
		"key_code": "R"
		"action_id": "screenshot",
		"key_code": "F12"

Last updated